

ホームSold Out (売り切れ中)VA - My World Of Make Believe (Sunshine, Soft & Studio Pop 1966-1972) (CD)
▼ VA - My World Of Make Believe (Sunshine, Soft & Studio Pop 1966-1972) (CD)
1966 年から 1972 年の約 6 年に掛け米国内で発売されるもヒットに繋がる事はなく人知れず消えていった超オブスキュアな Soft Rock ~ Sunshine Pop ナンバーを未発表も含め約 80 分に渡り収録、当時ならではの素晴らしいプロダクションや魅惑のメロディー & ハーモニーで聴かせる粒揃いの楽曲群は勿論、情報満載のフルカラーブックレットも素晴らしい全 32 曲入り。
1. Barry Darvell - My World Of Make Believe
2. Margo, Margo, Medress & Siegel - Needles Of Evergreen
3. Fairchilds - (I Couldn't Think About Livin' Without You) Thinkin' 'Bout Me
4. The Seagulls - Twiggs
5. Bob Dileo - Jessica
6. The Razor's Edge - Don't Let Me Catch You In His Arms
7. Bat McGrath and D. Harvey Potter - Shine A Little Light
8. David Gates - Thru Spray Colored Glasses
9. Rockin' Horse People - Last Night's Dream
10. Kris Jensen - I Can't Get Nowhere With You
11. Don Grady - Let It Happen
12. The New Establishment - Time For Everything
13. Tommy T's Federal Reserve - Let's Go Down To The Park
14. Freshmen - Halfway To Where
15. The Joyride - The Land Of Rypap Paper
16. Timothy Clover - Great World Next Door
17. Frank Lyndon - Don't Look At Me
18. Joey Paige - The Merry Go Round Is Slowing You Down
19. The Yellow Brick Road - She's My Girl
20. Ritchie Adams - I'll Go Anywhere To Meet You, Baby
21. Tony Scotti - I Just Haven't Got What It Takes
22. Music Combination - Holding On For Dear Love
23. The Furnacemen - It's Waiting There For You
24. Paul Vigrass - Like It Never Was
25. Bristol Boxkite - If You Love Me
26. Peter Courtney - Loving Two
27. Fairchilds - Let Her Run
28. The Seagulls - Don't Go Out Into The Rain (You're Gonna Melt)
29. Bob Dileo - Sing To Me
30. The Robbs - I Don't Feel Alone
31. The Tokens - I Like To Throw My Head Back & Sing
32. Johnny Walsh - The End

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