

ホームSold Out (売り切れ中)VA - Raw Cuts Volume Six : American Psych Wars (USED LP)
▼ VA - Raw Cuts Volume Six : American Psych Wars (USED LP)
Vg+ / Ex- : 87 年に第 1 弾が登場、数々の 80's Garage 名演を収録し人気の高い編集盤シリーズ Raw Cut シリーズ第 6 弾 ('87)!!! 今作は「American Psych Wars」と釘打たれ Garage / Psych 期の極初期 The Dwarves や The Tell-Tale Hearts 関連名グループ Royal Nonesuch など Mid 80's Garage Punk 勢を全 16 曲に渡り収録です。

1. The Dwarves - College Town
2. The Dwarves - Love Gestapo
3. Thee Fourgiven - The Reason Why
4. Thee Fourgiven - Sorry For You
5. Royal Nonesuch - You Need Love
6. Royal Nonesuch - You Lied To Me Before
7. Yard Trauma - You Don't Tell Me
8. Yard Trauma - Black And White
9. Marshmallow Overcoat - I Can Only Give You Everything
10. Marshmallow Overcoat - Psilocybin Explosion
11. The Time Beings - Shark Attack
12. The Time Beings - When You Find Out
13. The Marsupials - She's A Liar
14. The Marsupials - One Big Pill
15. The Cattle - Staying In Bed
16. The Cattle - Cinnamon Girl

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